5 Window applications essentials

5 Window applications essentials

There are a few Windows Applications we suggest you get to make your life a lot easier. You might already have them, or you might be aware of them, but get them on your computer today, you won’t regret it.

Firstly, download Google Chrome.

It is a fast web browser that loads and displays information quickly. It has a very basic, simple and easy to use layout. Forget about loading a Google page every time you need to search the net, you can search using your address bar.


When sending large chunky files, you can crash other people’s computers and/or slow them down dramatically. Install Dropbox and get your clients and associates to do the same. It is a great way to send and receive large files.

Get connected

Microsoft has Skype, an instant messaging system with voice calls and conferencing abilities. Skype is perfect for multiple offices so your staff can instantly chat and pool knowledge and resources.

Put this on your Wunderlist

The first thing you need to do is get Wunderlist. It is a to-do list that will help you manage yours and your staff’s workload. Never let any task slip through the cracks with Wunderlist.

Sticky notes

Some might say it’s old school with all the new apps for reminding you, but nothing beats a good old-fashioned post-it note. Windows now has Sticky Note Pro, you can choose the colour, font and size of your post-it, and the best part is they never fall off.

Talk to A Tech in Need on the Gold Coast if you need any assistance with your application downloads.
